My name is Kayla and I am currently a stay-at-home mom to two precious little boys two and under. I am married to a wonderful man who is currently unemployed and looking for work. Times are tough, but they're no tougher for us than they are for most people.
I have attempted to gain control of our apartment and our clutter since Hubby and I got married seven years ago (as I write this). I have made significant progress at times, only to fall back into the same traps over and over again. A few years back I found FLYlady on I was intrigued to say the least. I have attempted to use her baby steps several times now, but each time I felt I knew better than her somehow. She said don't worry about the dishes, just shine your sink! I said, "But I really can't just leave dishes on the floor."
She said wear shoes. I said, "But I don't wanna wear shoes, I like being barefoot!" On and on the list goes.
Now I'm committed to giving this one more shot because I believe it can and WILL work IF I'm willing to work the system. I am blogging about my journey to bring awareness to this system for those who need it, to encourage my fellow FLYbabies, and to help me be accountable.
Please join the journey! Check out! Start by exploring her site, then, check out her Getting Started section. I will be starting by going through the 31 beginner babysteps. You are welcome to follow my blog along with these steps if it offers some encouragement. The moment this blog becomes a hindrance to your progress, stop following! I want you to FLY and I certainly don't want to be the one dragging you down!