Monday, October 11, 2010

Day 4 - ?

It is sometimes hard to update because of my current computer situation.  Please be forgiving!

Thursday was Day 4 for me.  I did good!  Went to bed with a shiny sink and woke up Friday morning to a shiny sink.  It is a great feeling to wake up to a shiny sink, even if the rest of the kitchen (and apartment) is a mess.  

Friday was Day 5 and I did good until.... I decided to make a cheesecake.  I have a dear friend who has a birthday today and there was a gathering at her house last night.  I made a cheesecake for her birthday on Friday because I was afraid I wouldn't have time to do it on Saturday.  The cheesecake turned out great but not without giving me its fair share of hardship (lol).  You can read about that on my other blog at

Anyway, after all the catastrophes that were making the cheesecake and then finally being DONE with it all sometime after midnight I had no energy to clean up.  I still haven't quite learned to clean as I go and the dishwasher was in the process of cleaning what was in it.  I'm not trying to make excuses here.  The fact of the matter is I was just to tired to deal with it so I didn't.  

Saturday started off okay.  I was taking it as Day 6 but due to another gathering for said birthday girl, and feeling a profound need to take some real rest (a sabbath, which, as a Christian, I've been hearing a lot about lately.  I took my cue from the Holy Spirit to just leave everything for the time being and I don't think FLYlady would have a problem with me doing that) I didn't end up getting the sink shined before bed.  

Oh well.  It really isn't that bad.  I feel a bit behind though.  But then I remember a favorite quote of FLYlady, "You are not behind! I don't want you to try to catch up; I just want you to jump in where we are. O.K.?" That is at the bottom of every email she sends out.  But again I find myself wondering what it means in this case to  "jump in where we are".  Do I reclaim Day 6?  Do I pick up on Day 8?  Is perfectionism leading me to try to pick up on the perfect day?

I think I'm going to do what I did before and pick up on Day 6.  That is where I kind of left off.  Rather than leaving Day 6 and 7 undone I will pick up there.  So today is Day 6 and I am on my way.  I'm already dressed (except for shoes) and I will go shine my sink as soon as I put my shoes on!

Blessings to all of my readers!

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