
This blog is not affiliated, endorsed or approved by FLYlady , www.flylady.net, or any person associated with FLYlady or www.flylady.net.  Views, opinions & thoughts expressed in this blog belong to the author and are in no way intended as a reflection of the views of FLYlady, www.flylady.net or anyone associated with FLYlady or www.flylady.net.

The purpose of this blog is NOT to infringe on any copyrights or otherwise steal property, intellectual or otherwise.  Should someone believe that this blog has overstepped these boundaries they should contact the author of this blog at kayla@clothdiaperadventurer.com and said author will take prompt action to resolve the issue.

The purpose of this blog is also NOT to defame, discredit, discourage or criticize anyone.  The author writes about personal experience from a belief in and love for FLYlady, the FLYlady system, www.flylady.net and all of FLYlady's followers - the FLYbabies out there.

For more information on FLYlady, please visit her website at www.flylady.net.

For more information on this blog or the author, please visit the "About Me" Page found at

Thank you for your time and attention!